Saturday, October 8, 2011

Is it me?

     Hi.  First blog entry.  I really don't need another reason to sit in front of my computer.  However- Ive noticed over the years that journaling thoughts makes for a better focus on life and all that comes at you.  So here I am.  I might not ever share this address with anyone, but its a good therapy, right?
     Today is an early day in October.  October 8th.  The sun is out, its cool outside- but since its Saturday, I am indoors doing housework.  Which, by the way, I need to go fold the clothes from the dryer that just beeped. 
     This week a lovely girl who goes to my church, and who is a cousin to my husband has come to the point where she is tired of working so hard to stay strong as her divorce proceedings drag on slowly.  She fell hard on Thursday and was considering taking her own life.  She breaks all of our hearts.  She is so beautiful, creative, smart, friendly, she was one of the few in her family who went to college, has a salaried job, insurance....but she has a fault- she still loves a man who hurt her, and continues to hurt her.  All of the people around her can talk until we are blue in the face....but she will make her own decisions.  All we can do is pray. (or secretly kill him, but that would take too much planning and its a sin and against the law..-owell)
     My son continues to grow each week and his personality has reached a new phase that is pleasant to my husband and I.  We've been stuck beneath the whiny-needy-irritating  phase for several months- and we are so relieved that it only comes around once in a while now.  Rayf's personality is developing to be quite funny, on a regular basis.  Thank God.
     My husband is suffering from back pain lately.  There is some kind of a nasty skin bump on his back, to boot.  Its very painful.  I try to help with relieving the pain- but the bump remains.  I'm guessing a nice big shot oughtta take care of that.  Im sure he'll drag around for a week or two more, before he goes to a doctor.  ugh.
     I had friends over last weekend.  I haven't been together with them in months.  I had fun.  I drank a little too much toward the end- but they were leaving anyway- so I didn't act too foolish for too long.  Cooking our food was most of the entertainment.  Potato skins were the main food- and Id never made them before- and I misread the directions...which irritated one of my friends....she was tired and cranky- but wouldnt admit to it.  So the other friend and I cooked around her, and laughed and joked....eventually it all smoothed out.  I was glad they came over....even if they were probably sending texts to each other all night between them about me or the way I was unprepared.  Doesn't sound like friends, does it?  Well- Im a little crazy sometimes when Im insecure about friendship.  I was glad they came over and brought thier children, and glad to entertain.  I tend to take people at face if they were not having fun, I didn't notice.  One of them, makes me nervous, even though I really would like to be her friend.  She's older than me by a few years- maybe thats why we don't "click"....who knows.
     My job this year is going very well.  Ive been complimented by a few close coworkers about how proud they are of me for being so organized and for simply getting to work on time- or early!  It makes me feel good to be noticed for hard work.  Gosh its only my 11th year of teaching....but for some reason my lessons are really clicking so far. 
     I guess my laundry won't fold itself, will it?  Ok... bye for now.

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